Healing Ink Studio was created as a Sacred Sanctuary

Healing Ink Studio was created as a Sacred Sanctuary

Beauty is love and love is Beauty

Beauty is love and love is Beauty

I love the Ceiling!!

I love the Ceiling!!

We Proudly use TIna Davies Pigments

We Proudly use TIna Davies Pigments

Areola Repigmentation

Areola Repigmentation

Healing Ink Studio used to be the office  of Famous Native American Artist Amado Pena!

Healing Ink Studio used to be the office  of Famous Native American Artist Amado Pena!

Creating Healing ink Studio has been an answer to my prayer!

Creating Healing ink Studio has been an answer to my prayer!

Offering Areola Repigmentation to Cancer Survivors

Offering Areola Repigmentation to Cancer Survivors